Cutting through your business logjams

Cutting through your business logjams

When you consider the delicate balance of people, operations, finances and goals in your business, things get complicated – fast.  Dealing with the forest and its trees would be like a walk in the park. It’s more likely you feel you’re dealing with a low resolution Google earth image of the Amazon rainforest on last year’s graphics card. The result? A logjam based on too many issues, not enough resources, and no plan. Senior business leaders confronted with problems within their fields of personal experience have it easy. They’ve been there, tried that, and have the trophies and scars to […]

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You want great marketing? Start with your toilet.

You want great marketing? Start with your toilet.

I was doing a marketing workshop with a group of executives not too long ago. We were mapping out how to ground marketing in the mission, vision and values of their company. It was during that discussion that one of the CEOs piped up and said “You want to figure out what a company stands for, check their toilet.” Her fellow workshoppers were stunned. I laughed out loud. She had hit on the motherlode of what creates an authentic brand – and tapped into one of the most powerful marketing tools ever. Let me explain. Your brand is what you […]

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