Instead of pitching offerings, build an idea universe around your customer.

Instead of pitching offerings, build an idea universe around your customer.

I just helped a $2000 Coffee client figure out how to get past the ‘pitch what you got and see what sticks’ paradigm. This client, who works in an exciting area of tech entertainment, is well-versed in idea pitching. In fact, he and his competitors live and die by pitching the hottest, latest thing to buyers. What’s the downside? I’d say the frustration of “having your idea rejected because, well, because the buyer is grumpy” ranks at the top of the list. Followed by “pitching an idea, only to find your nearest competitor just ripped off your idea and is […]

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Cutting through your business logjams

Cutting through your business logjams

When you consider the delicate balance of people, operations, finances and goals in your business, things get complicated – fast.  Dealing with the forest and its trees would be like a walk in the park. It’s more likely you feel you’re dealing with a low resolution Google earth image of the Amazon rainforest on last year’s graphics card. The result? A logjam based on too many issues, not enough resources, and no plan. Senior business leaders confronted with problems within their fields of personal experience have it easy. They’ve been there, tried that, and have the trophies and scars to […]

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